B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Technion Israel Inst. of Tech.
M.S. in Materials Engineering, Technion Israel Inst. of Tech. My research focuses on Organic Vapor Jet Printing (OVJP) of small molecular materials. This deposition technique enables solvent- and vacuum-free patterning of small molecular compounds on any substrate and any shape. Using OVJP we are able to access a unique surface morphologies in organic films with many promising applications, such as semiconductors, pharmaceuticals and food industries. Currently, I am working to develop models that predict the morphology of organic films grown by OVJP, evaluate thermophysical properties of small molecular compounds, optimize patterning resolution of small organic molecules used in organic semiconductor industry (organic light emitting diodes, organic this film transistors and organic photovoltaics). I’m also developing novel processing techniques for improvement of bioavailability of small molecular pharmaceuticals with poor aqueous solubility.
- Olga Shalev, Shaurjo Biswas, David Hinz, Nicholas Simopoulos and Max Shtein. “Enhancement of mask-free patterning resolution and material utilization in Organic Vapor Jet Printing”. In preparation.
- Olga Shalev, Shaurjo Biswas, Yongsoo Yang, Tareq Eddir, Onye Ahatonu, Wei Lu, Roy Clarke and Max Shtein. “Growth and modelling of spherical crystalline morphologies of molecular materials”, Nature Communications 5, 5204 (2014). doi:10.1038/ncomms6204
- Shaurjo Biswas, Olga Shalev and Max Shtein, “Thin-film growth and patterning techniques for small molecular organic compounds used in optoelectronic device applications", Annu. Rev. Chem. Biomol. Eng. 4, 289-317 (2013). doi: 10.1146/annurev-chembioeng-061312-103356.
- Olga Shalev and Max Shtein, “Effect of crystal density on sublimation properties of molecular organic semiconductors", Organic Electronics 14, 94-99 (2013), doi:10.1016/j.orgel.2012.09.033
Press release:
- Max Shtein and Olga Shalev, “Improved Organic Vapor Jet Printing Nozzle with Exhaust Plenum”. U.S. Patent. Filed June 2014.
- Stephen Forrest, Max Shtein, Olga Shalev and Shaurjo Biswas. “Guard Flow OVJP Implementation”. U.S. Patent. Filed June 2014.