John Allison

William F. Hosford Collegiate Professor

3018 H.H. Dow
T: (734) 615-5150





B.S. (Eng. Mech.), U. S. Air Force Academy, 1972.
M.S. (Met. Eng.), Ohio State University, 1977.
Ph.D. (Met. Eng. and MSE), Carnegie-Mellon University, 1982.


William F. Hosford Professor of Materials Science and Engineering



My major research interest is in understanding the inter-relationships between processing, alloying, microstructure and properties in metallic materials – and in incorporating this knowledge into computational tools for use in research, education and engineering.  An important part of my research is development of Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) tools – and thus collaborations with other computational and experimental groups are an essential element of my work.  Central to my research are investigations on the evolution of microstructures - current examples include precipitate evolution, recrystallization and grain growth and texture development in magnesium, aluminum and titanium alloys.  I am also interested in mechanical behavior of these materials, with an emphasis on development of mechanistic and phenomenological understanding of the influence of microstructure on properties such as strength, ductility and fatigue resistance.


1983‑ 2010:         FORD MOTOR COMPANY, Dearborn, Michigan

Senior Technical Leader – Research and Advanced Engineering


1989- 2010:         THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Adjunct Professor - Department of Materials Science and Engineering


1996 - 2000:        WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY, Detroit, Michigan

Adjunct Professor - Department of Chemical and Materials Science


1991-1992:          MONASH UNIVERSITY, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Visiting Scholar (Ford Sabbatical) - Department of Materials Science and Engineering


1982 ‑ 1983:        BROWN BOVERI AND COMPANY, Baden, Switzerland

Visiting Scientist ‑ Physical Metallurgy Depart­ment, BBC Corporate Research Center


1975 ‑ 1977:        AIR FORCE FLIGHT DYNAMICS LABORATORY, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio

Structural Integrity Engineer / Captain­ (USAF) ‑ Struc­tural Integrity Branch, Structural Mechanics Division


1972 ‑ 1975:        AIR FORCE MATERIALS LABORATORY, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio

Non‑destructive Testing (NDT) Research Engineer / First Lieuten­ant (USAF), Non‑destructive Evaluation Branch, Metals and Ceramics Division


National Academy of Engineering, Member, Class of 2011

President, The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 2002

Henry Ford Technology Awards, 2005 & 2010 (Ford Motor Co.)

National Academies National Materials Advisory Board, 2001-2007

ASM Fellow, 2000

NMAB Committee on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering, Vice-Chair, 2007-2008

Gordon Research Conference on Physical Metallurgy, Co-Chair, 2009

Co-Organizer, First World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering, TMS, July 2011.

Honorary Professor, University of Science and Technology Beijing, 2010 – present.

Guest Professor, Shanghai Jiao-Tong University, 2010-present

SAE Arch T. Colwell Award, 1999