Jinsang Kim



Biointerfaces Institute
NCRC 26-133N

T: (734) 936-4681






Research Group

Group News:

March 2024 Congratulations Jiwon on his successful Ph.D. defense. We all enjoyed your talk about interesting and productive dissertation research. Jiwon is now Dr. Lim !

June 2023 20th Year Symposium of the Kim Research Group in Seoul Korea.

February 2023 Ricardo accepted an Assistant Professor position at Indiana University Bloomington starting July 1, 2023. Congratulations Prof. Ricardo Vazquez!!

July 2022 Congratulations Deokwon on his productive dissertation research and becoming Dr. Seo !

June 2022 Congratulations Muru on her successful PhD defense. Muru is now Dr. Zhou. We all will miss you soon.

April 2022 Congratulations Steven on his outstanding PhD defense. We will miss you, Dr. Shao. 

December 2021 Congratulations Ramin on his successful PhD defense. We will miss Dr. Ansari soon. 

August 2021 Congratulations Yingying on her successful PhD defense! Yingying is now Dr. Zeng!!

March 2021 Congratulations Steven on 2021 Rackham Pre-doctoral Fellowship !!

March 2020 Congratulations Da Seul on her outstanding PhD research and fantastic PhD defense. We will miss Dr. Yang very much soon. 

February 2020 Dr. Apoorv Shanker current a Postdoc at MIT nailed the prestigious Mazumdar-Shaw International Oncology Fellowship. Congratulations!!

January 2020 Mira became a Ph.D. candidate. Great job!

December 2019 Mira received Rackham International Student Fellowship. Congratulations!!

November 2019 Yingying received Outstanding Basic Science Poster Award at the Engineering Research Symposium 2019. Congratulations!! 

October 2019 Da Seul received 2019 Overberger Research Excellence Award. Jonathan received Overall Best Poster Award at the Macromolecular Sci. & Eng. Annual Symposium. Congratulations!!

September 2019 Congratulations Ricardo on his successful Ph.D. defense. Congratulations Dr. Vazquez.

August 2019 Mira received PPG Summer Fellowship from Macro/PPG

February 2019 Da Seul received Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship. Congratulations!!

February 2019 Yingying received Barbour Award. Congratulations!!

February 2019 Muru received Rackham International Student Fellowship. Congratulations!!

January 2019 Prof. Kim received Jon R. and Beverly S. Holt Awards for Excellence in Teaching

January 2019 Congratulations Chen on his productive PhD research and successful defense. Congratulations Dr. Li.

January 2019 Congratulations Dr Joonkoo Kang on his excellent PhD research and successful defense.

November 2018 Steven became a Ph.D candidate. 

October 2018 Steven received the Overall Best Poster Award at the 42nd Annual Macro Symposium. Congratulations!!

August 2018 Our alum Katharina Maisel accepted Assistant Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Maryland (College Park). Congratulations!!

July 2018 Yingying became a Ph.D candidate. 

May 2018 Da Seul received PPG Fellowship from Macro

January 2018 Congratulations Jaehun on his successful PhD defense!!

January 2018 Congratulations Byeongseop on his productive PhD research and successful defense

December 2017 Congratulations Yingying on the Rackham International Student Award!!

September 2017 Yingying received PPG Fellowship from Macro

July 2017 Apoorv and Chen's work has been published in Science Advances (https://news.engin.umich.edu/2017/07/heat-conducting-plastic-could-lead-to-lighter-electronics-cars/).

April 2017 Congratulations Dr. Apoorv Shanker on his superb PhD research and successful defense!

April 2017 Apoorv received 2017 Towner Prize for Distinguished Academic Achievement

April 2017 Apoorv received 2017 Best Oral Presentation Award a the 13th Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium, 253rd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco.

April 2017 Congratulation Apoorv on receiving the 2017 ACS Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Award 

February 2017 Congratulations Dr. Sungbaek Seo on beginning his independent career as an Assistant Professor at Pusan National University (Dept. of Biomaterial Science)

December 2016 Congratulations Da Seul on her wedding!!

November 2016 Apoorv received MRS Graduate Student Award 

September 2016 Congratulations Daseul on becoming Ph.D. candidate within one year following the same legendarily fast candidacy of Joonkoo!!

August 2016 Congratulations Byeongseop on his wedding!!

April 2016 Congratulations Dr. Kyeongwoon Chung on his productive Ph.D. research and successful defense!

March 2016 Apoorv Received 2016 Packham Pre-doctoral Fellowship

February 2016 Dr. Gun-Ho Kim accepted an Assistant Professor position at UNIST ME

January 2016 Prof. Kim received Monroe-Brown Foundation Research Excellent Award 

January 2016 Dr. Min Sang Kwon accepted an Assistant Professor position at UNIST MSE

October 2015 Kyeongwoon received 2015 Overberger Research Excellent Award. Congratulations!!

October 2015 Apoorv received the Best Poster Award at the Macro Annual Symposium

September 2015 Minsang's new paper has been accepted to Nature Communications. Great job!! (http://www.engin.umich.edu/college/about/news/stories/2015/december/new-chemical-process)

September 2015 Joonkoo became a Ph.D. candidate. 

September 2015 Da Seul received the prestigious Kwanjeong Overseas Fellowship. Congratulations!

September 2015 Dr. Kangwon Lee accepted Assistant Professor position at Seoul National University

May 2015 Kyeongwoon's Supercooled Liquid has been published in ACS Central Science (http://pubs.acs.org/journal/acscii and highlighted in http://www.ns.umich.edu/new/multimedia/videos/22888-supercool-material-glows-when-you-write-on-it, http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/2015/05/touch-lights-supercooled-material, MRS materials 360 online http://www.materials360online.com/newsDetails/54357, http://fusion.net/story/134541/this-glowing-material-turns-from-liquid-to-solid-with-one-touch,  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3081449/The-material-MIDAS-touch-Supercooled-liquid-instantly-glows-gold-s-touched.html)

Feb 2015 Dr. Bong-Gi Kim accepted  an Assistant Professor position at Konkuk University

December 2014 Congratulations Dongwook on becoming a Doctor through productive Ph.D. research. 

November 2014 Gun-Ho, Dongwook, and Apoorv's work on high thermal conductivity in amorphous polymer blends has been published in Nature Materials. (http://www.nature.com/nmat/journal/vaop/ncurrent/pdf/nmat4141.pdf) This work was a collaboration result with Kevin Pipe group in Mechanical Engineering. Congratulations!!

The thermal conductivity in amorphous polymer blends has been highlighted in UM News and other news media. (http://ns.umich.edu/new/multimedia/slideshows/22539-heat-conducting-plastic-developed-at-u-michigan, http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/11/141126171620.htm)

October 2014 Dongwook received 2014 Overberger Research Excellent Award. Congratulations!!

September 2014 Jaehun became a Ph.D candidate.  

July 2014 Minsang and Dongwook's work published in Angew Chem with a cover has been highlighted (http://ns.umich.edu/new/releases/22291-toward-ultimate-light-efficiency-on-the-cheap)   (http://www.engin.umich.edu/college/about/news/stories/2014/july/pholeds2) (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com.proxy.lib.umich.edu/store/10.1002/anie.201408162/asset/201408162_ftp.pdf?v=1&t=hzpjucdm&s=70e4be5260ddc37e68efaf45dde82a096def10d0)

May 2014 Dr. Jiseok Lee accepted an Assistant Professor position at UNIST Chemical Engineering

April 2014 Congratulations Dr. David Bilby on his productive Ph.D. research and successful defense!

March 2014 Congratulations Dr. Sungbaek Seo on his productive Ph.D. research and successful defense!

January 2014 Apoorv became a Ph.D. candidate.

September 2013 Noah became a Ph.D. candidate.

July 2013 Dr. Kangwon Lee accepted a Senior Research Scientist/Associate Professor position at KIST and University of Science and Technology (UST) 

April 2013 Our group got sustainable laboratory certification.

March 2013 Bong-Gi's Nature Materials paper (http://www.nature.com/nmat/journal/vaop/ncurrent/pdf/nmat3595.pdf) has been highlighted in Discovery News and many other news media Discovery News (http://news.discovery.com/tech/nanotechnology/plastic-electronics-circuits-130324.htm) University of Michigan News (http://www.ns.umich.edu/new/multimedia/slideshows/21325-paint-on-plastic-electronics-aligning-polymers-for-high-performance) Science Daily (http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/03/130324151830.htm)

March 2013 Prof. Kim received Departmental Outstanding Accomplishment Award, University of Michigan 2013

January 2013 Donghyuk accepted an Assistant Professor Position at Inha University

January 2013 Kyle became a Ph.D. candidate

November 2012 Kyungwoon (Kyle) received 2013 Rackham International Student Fellowship

October 2012 Bong-Gi's Adv. Funct. Mater. paper about rational dye design for dye sensitized solar cells has been highlighted in the Frontiers in Energy Research (http://www.energyfrontier.us/newsletter/201210/now-time-design-novel-dye-solar-cells)

October 2012 Bong-Gi's Adv. Funct. Mater. paper about conjugated polymer design for solar cells has been highlighted in the research news (http://www.engin.umich.edu/newscenter/feature/plastic-solar-cells)

September 2012 Dongwook became a Ph.D. candidate

April 2012 Congratulations Dr. Bong-Gi Kim on his outstanding and productive Ph.D. research and successful defense!

March 2012 Jiseok's Nerve Agent Sensor has been highlighted in Scientific American (http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=chemical-weapon-litmus-test) and UM News (http://ns.umich.edu/new/releases/20266-nerve-gas-litmus-test-could-sense-airborne-chemical-weapons). MConnex (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBOJsG_4fws)

February 2012 Bong-Gi received a Graduate Student Award in Environmental and Energy Sustainability

January 2012 David became a Ph.D. candidate

October 2011 Bong-Gi received 2011 Overberger Research Excellent Award. Congratulations!!

September 2011 Sungbaek became a Ph.D. candidate

August 2011 Kim Group relocated to North Campus Research Complex (NCRC)

July 2011 Congratulations Laura Povlich on her successful Ph.D. defense. Great Job Dr. Povlich!!

April 2011 Congratulations Dr. Jiseok Lee on his excellent Ph.D. research and successful defense!

April 2011 Congratulations Robert on his successful Ph.D. defense. Now Rob is Dr. Nidetz!!

April 2011 Our alumna Katharina Maisel received the prestigious NSF GRFP Fellowship. Congratulations!!

March 2011 Congratulations Laura on her prestigious MRS/OSA Congressional Fellowship!

February 2011 Onas has his pure organic phosphors as the Cover of March Nature Chemistry

February 2011 Onas' Nature Chemistry paper appears on the web (http://www.nature.com/nchem/journal/v3/n3/pdf/nchem.984.pdf). The paper has been selected as a News of the Week in C&EN (http://pubs.acs.org/cen/news/89/i07/8907notw3.html) and highlighted in RSC Chemistryworld (http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/News/2011/February/13021101.asp). The Nature Chemistry paper has been highlighted in the following links UM webpage  (http://ns.umich.edu/htdocs/releases/story.php?id=8261) DailyTech (http://www.dailytech.com/New+Lightemitting+Material+May+Usher+in+Era+of+Cheap+OLEDs/article20915c.htm) SIFY News ( http://www.sify.com/news/scientists-create-jewel-toned-organic-phosphorescent-crystals-news-scitech-lcprkpigdbh.html) Gizmag ( http://www.gizmag.com/new-material-oleds/17904/) ScienceBlog (http://scienceblog.com/42724/jewel-toned-organic-phosphorescent-crystals-a-new-class-of-light-emitting-material/) eScienceNews (http://esciencenews.com/sources/chemistry.world/2011/02/13/first.purely.organic.phosphor) Chem2Tech (http://chem2tech-en.blogspot.com/2011/02/first-purely-organic-phosphor.html) Blogspot (http://esraa-chemist.blogspot.com/2011/02/first-purely-organic-phosphor.html) NewsGuide (http://newsguide.us/education/science/Jewel-toned-organic-phosphorescent-crystals-A-new-class-of-light-emitting-material/)

November 2010 Laura received an ACS Award at the Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium, 241st ACS national meeting, Anaheim, CA.

November 2010 Jiseok received the 1st place award in the Materials and Chemical Technology section at the CoE Graduate Symposium.

November 2010 Jiseok received the 2nd place poster award at the Aldrich Symposium in Materials Science. April 2010 Congratulations our excellent undergraduate Kevin Yien on the Grand Prize in Scientific Merit at 2010 Imaging Microstructure Contest. http://www.mse.engin.umich.edu/internal/imaging-microstructure-contest-2010/winners

December 2009 Congratulations Dr. Onas Bolton on his outstanding Ph.D. research. We will miss Onas a lot!

November 2009 Laura received ACS Leadership Development Award. Congratulations!!

September 2009 Jiseok's Adv. Mater. paper appears as an inside cover (vol 21 issue 36)

April 2009 Congratulations Donghwan on his successful Ph.D. defense

February 2009 Hyong-Jun accepted an Assistant Professor position at Kongju National University

December 2008 Congratulations Myung-Su on his excellent Ph.D. research and becoming Dr. Kim. We will miss Myung-Su very much

December 2008 Congratulations Rob. He became a Ph.D. candidate

November 2008 Onas received one of the 1st Prize at the Graduate Student Symposium!

June 2008 Bong-Gi received the MMPEI Energy Fellowship. Congratulations!! http://www.mmpei.umich.edu/news/fellowships.html June 2008 Laura became a Ph.D. candidate

June 2008 Jiseok became a Ph.D. candidate

May 2008 Myung-Su received the Best Poster Award at the AVS meeting

May 2008 Hyong-Jun's Adv. Mater. paper was highlighted by "Noteworthy Chemistry" a news weekely published by the Americal Chemical Society. This paper was also highlighted by Nanomaterials News intertechpira.com http://portal.acs.org/portal/acs/corg/content?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=PP_ARTICLEMAIN&node_id=840&content_id=WPCP_008887&use_sec=true&sec_url_var=region1 April 2008 Congratulations Kangwon for his very successful Ph.D. research and becoming Dr. Lee. We will miss you very much

April 2008 Rob received Distinguished Achievement Award from MSE

March 2008 Jiseok's Potassium Sensor appeared in JACS

March 2008 Hyong-Jun's Adv. Mater. paper was highlighted in the UM press release http://www.ns.umich.edu/htdocs/releases/story.php?id=6398

January 2008 Laura received Tissue Engineering and Regeneration Training Grant!

November 2007 Katharina received the best poster award at the ASM International

October 2007 Laura received Dow Chemical Award at the Macro Symposium

June 2007 Dr. Hyong-Jun Kim accepted a Research Professor Position from Seoul National University

June 2007 Congratulations Donghwan. He became a Ph.D. candidate

June 2007 Kangwon's signal amplifying conjugated polymer-based DNA microarry has been published in Angew. Chem.

May 2007 Onas became a Ph.D. candidate and received a Master's degree in MSE

May 2007 Onas' work on oxadiazoles has been published in Journal of Materials Science, Emerging Investigator Special Issue

March 2007 Kangwon Lee received an ACS Award at the Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium, 233rd ACS national meeting, Chicago, IL

January 2007 Jinsang Kim  received NSF CAREER AWARD

Jinsang Kim received the Jon R. and Beverly S. Holt Award 2006 for Excellent in Teaching, CoE, UM

2006 Kangwon Lee received the 2006 CoE Distinguished Achievement Award

2006 Laura Povlich received the 2006 Worth Prize

2006 Laura Povlich received the 2006 Hugh Rumler Prize

2006 Ching-Chin Pun received a Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering

20th Year Symposium with Alumni in Korea

Research Staff
Deokwon Seo
Email: dwseo@umich.edu

Postdoctoral Fellow

BS 2013 at UICU Chemical Engineering

MS 2015 at UM Materials Science & Engineering

Ph.D. 2022 at SNU "Sensitivity enhancement of colorimetric polyacetylene-based biosensors towards highly sensitive real-time diagnostic method for clinical applications"


Graduate Students
Shuo Zhang
Email: shuozh@umich.edu
Fatma Cetinkaya
Email: fcetinka@umich.edu

Master Student from Macromolecular Science and Engineering Program

Oguz Cetinkaya
Email: ocetinka@umich.edu

Master Student from Macromolecular Science and Engineering Program

Mira Diab El Harakeh
Email: mharakeh@umich.edu

Ph.D. Candidate from Macromolecular Science and Engineering

Meng-Hsun Lee
Email: menghsun@umich.edu

MS from Materials Science and Engineering of UM

Pre-candidate Macromolecular Science and Engineering

Jiwon Lim
Email: limjw@umich.edu

Ph.D. Candidate from Macromolecular Science and Engineering

Wenhao Shao (Steven)
Email: whshawn@umich.edu

Ph.D. in Chemistry 2022 "Purely Organic Triplet Emitters: From Fundamental Molecular Design to Performance Amplification in Modern Applications"

Currently Postdoc at Purdue

Muru Zhou
Email: muru@umich.edu

Ph.D. 2022 "Full-field, Conformal Epiretinal Electrode Array Using Hydrogel and Polymer Hybrid Technology"

Undergraduate Students
Abigail Ahn
Email: amahn@umich.edu
Alex Kim
Email: almkim@umich.edu

Dr. Mounggon Kim
Email: freeofmylife@naver.com

Postdoctoral Fellow

Currently at LG Chem

Jongho Kim

Visiting Scholar from Chungnam National University

Currently Assistant Professor at Kyungpook National University (https://sites.google.com/view/sci-jongho/home)


Andrew Phillips
Email: awphil@umich.edu

M.S. in 2015
Currently a PhD student at University of Chicago

Yoonjung Na
Email: nayoonj@umich.edu

Visiting Scholar

Yirang IM
Email: imyir@umich.edu

Visiting Scholar

Taek Seung Lee
Email: tslee@cnu.ac.kr

Visiting Professor (2010-2011) from Chungnam National University

Group Webpage : http://www.onom.re.kr/

Ji Ho Youk
Email: youk@inha.ac.kr

Visiting Professor (2010-2011) from Inha University

Jaehun Jung
Email: goodpen83@gmail.com

Ph.D. 2018 Enhancing Room Temperature Phosphorescence from Organic Molecules by Internal Heavy Atom Effect and External Agents

Maiko Lunn
Email: mjlunn@umich.edu

Ph.D. Pre-candidate from the Department of Chemistry

Yeong-Eun Yoo, Ph.D.
Email: yeyoo@umich.edu

Visiting Scholar 

Senior Research Scientist at Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials

Ramin Ansari
Email: raminans@umich.edu

2021 Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering. Thesis title: Computational Molecular Design for Developing Metal-free Organic Emissive Materials

Currently a Research Scientist at Pythia Labs

Dr. David Bilby
Email: bilbydav@umich.edu

Ph.D. 2014 Thesis title: Investigation of the influence of molecular structure at interfaces in polymer photovoltaic devices

BS 2009 U of Michigan 

Currently at Ford

Onas Bolton

Ph.D. 2009 Materials Science and Engineering

Thesis title: The Directed Heavy Atom Effect: A Design Principle for Metal-Free Organic Phosphors

Postdoc with Adam Matzger at UM Chemistry

Octet Scientific, Inc (Founder)

Elizabeth Brown
Email: esbrow@umich.edu

Chemistry Department Rotation

Jae Cheol Cho
Email: jcho@iacna.com

Postdoc Fellow (June 2004 - April 2008)

Currently at Samsung

Jin-Hyun Choi
Email: jinhchoi@knu.ac.kr

Visiting Professor (2012-2013) from Kyungpook National University

Moonsu Choi

Visiting Scholar (2006-2007)

Currently at Jeil Industry Korea

Kyeongwoon Chung
Email: kychung@umich.edu

Ph.D. 2016 Title: Design of Organic Materials with Unique Supramolecular Assembly for Optical, Electric, and Biomedical Applications

MS 2007 Seoul National University

BS 2005 Seoul National University

Currently at Korea Institute of Materials Science

Thomas Conry

Undergraduate Researcher

College of Engineering Spring/Summer Undergraduate Research Award 2005

Currently an MSE graduate student at UC Berkeley

Erik Dammen-Brower
Email: erikdb@umich.edu

M.S. Student from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Jennifer DeHeck

Undergraduate Researcher

Contribution to Chem. Comm. 2006, 1983.
Currently at ArcelorMittal

Noah Gajda
Email: ngajda@umich.edu

MS 2014, Biomimetic materials

Currently at Baxter

Matt Gray
Email: mtgray@umich.edu

Undergraduate Researcher

Currently at UC Berkeley as Ph.D. student

Alica Guzman Smith
Email: arguzman@umich.edu

M.S. 2012

Jie Hao
Email: jieha@umich.edu

Visiting Scholar from Nankai University

Julian Hungerford
Email: jthu@umich.edu

Undergraduate Researcher (2011)

Currently a Ph.D. student at Georgia Institute of Technology

Geunseok Jang
Email: gjang@umich.edu

Visiting Scholar from Chungnam National University

Sunghyun Jeon

Visiting Scholar (2009)

Currently at Seoul National University

Eun Jeong Jeong

Postdoc 2009 - 2012

2001-2009 Samsung Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (SAIT)

2001 Ph.D. in Chemistry Seoul National University

1995 MS in Chemistry Pohang University of Science and Technology

1993 BS in Chemistry Pohang University of Science and Technology

Currently at Merck

Joonkoo Kang
Email: jkkang@umich.edu

Ph.D. 2019 Novel Photoarylation-based Controlled Polymerization of Conjugated Polymers and its Application for Transparent Electrode

Currently at LG Chem.

Dr. Do Hyun Kang
Email: kangdh@umich.edu

Ph.D. at Seoul National University

Visiting Scholar (2010)

Postdoctoral Fellow (2015 - 2019)

Currently Principal Research Scientist at Korea Institute of Machienary and Materials


Dr. Gun-ho Kim
Email: gunhokim@umich.edu

Postdoctoral Fellow (2014 - 2016)

Currently Assistant Professor at UNIST (https://sites.google.com/site/softheatlab/projects)

Dr. Jihan Kim
Email: Jihank@umich.edu

Postdoctoral Fellow

Ph.D. at Sungkyunkwan University

Currently at LG Chem

Bong Gi Kim, Ph. D

2012 Ph.D University of Michigan, Dissertation Title:  Strategies toward High Performance Organic Photovoltaic Cell; Material and Process

2001 M.S Seoul National University

1999 B.S Seoul National University

Currently Assistant Professor at Konkuk University (http://bgikim.wixsite.com/kuonl)

Daigeun Kim
Email: kdaigeun@umich.edu

Visiting Scholar (2010 - 2011)

Current Postdoc at University of Sheffield, UK

Young Do Kim
Email: youngdo@umich.edu

M.S. in 2010

Currently at Seoul National University

Myung-Su Kim
Email: myungsu@umich.edu

Ph.D. 2008 Materials Science and Engineering

Thesis Title: Understanding Organic Photovoltaic Cells: Electrode, Nanostructure, Realiability, and Performance

Currently at LG Chem

Tae Hoon Kim
Email: rimes99@cnu.ac.kr

Visiting Scholar (2005-2006)

Currently a research scientist at Hyosung

Dr. Hyong-Jun Kim
Email: hkim@kongju.ac.kr

Visiting Professor (2013-2014) from Kongju National University

Postdoctoral Fellow (July 2004 - July 2007)

Group Webpage : http://cheme.kongju.ac.kr/NCL/page_3

Young-Shin Kim

Visiting Scholar (2004)

Currently a research scientist at Ae-Kyung Inc.

Sameer Kumar

Undergraduate Researcher

Contribution to Langmuir 2005, 21, 8532.

Currently at UM MSE

Dr. Min Sang Kwon
Email: kwonms83@gmail.com

Postdoctoral Fellow (2013-2015)

Currently Assistant Professor at Seoul National University (http://hosting04.snu.ac.kr/~minsang/wordpress/)

Dongwook Lee
Email: dongwook@umich.edu

Ph.D. 2015 Macromolecular Science and Engineering

Thesis title: Amorphous Metal-Free Organic Phosphors for Sensor Applications

Currently at LG Chem.

Sunghun Lee
Email: narajigi@snu.ac.kr

Visiting Scholar (2012)

Ph.D. 2013 Seoul National University

Currently at Samsung Display

Jiseok Lee
Email: jiseok@umich.edu

Ph.D. 2011 Macromolecular Science and Engineering

Thesis title: Molecular Design and Self-assembly of Polydiacetylene for Biosensors and Sensor Arrays

Currently Assistant Professor at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (https://www.3dmass.org/)

Kangwon Lee
Email: kangwon@seas.harvard.edu

Ph.D. 2008 Materials Science and Engineering

Thesis Title: "Functionalized Conjugated Polymers for Signal Amplifying Biosensors and Sensor Arrays"
Currently Associate Professor at Seoul National University (http://afbl.snu.ac.kr/default/)

Jin Koo Lee

Visiting Scholar (2005)

Currently a reseach scientist at Dongwoo Fine Chemical

Dr. Sunjong Lee
Email: leesunj@umich.edu

Postdoctoral Fellow

Currently Senior Research Scientist at Korea Institute of Industrial Technology

Chen Li
Email: chenlium@umich.edu

Ph.D. 2019 Thermal Management of Electronics and Optoelectronics: From Heat Source Characterization to Heat Mitigation at the Device and Package Levels (from Prof. Kevin Pipe)

Kevin Lin

Undergraduate Researcher

Currently a graduate student at MIT

Contribution to Nature Chemistry 2011

Chia-Wei "Rick" Lin
Email: lcwrick@umich.edu

Graduate Researcher

Katharina Maisel
Email: maiselka@umich.edu

Undergraduate Researcher (2007-2009)

Contribution to Chem. Mater. 2008

PhD at Johns Hopkins University and Postdoc at University of Chicago

Currently Assistant Professor at University of Maryland (http://maisellab.umd.edu/)



Jingga Morry
Email: jmorry@gmail.com

MS 2007 Biomedical Engineering

Contribution to Chem Comm 2013

Currently Ph.D. student at  Oregon Health & Science University

Robert Nidetz

Ph.D. 2011 Materials Science and Engineering

Thesis title: Self-assembly of Nanogold for Optical Metamaterials


Dong Hyuk Park

Postdoctoral Fellow (2011 - 2013)

Currently Assistant Professor at Inha University, Korea

Ph. D in Physics, Korea University

MS in Physics, Korea University

BS in Physics, Korea University

Current Assistant Professor at Inha University

Benjamin Park

Undergraduate Researcher

Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University in 2015

Currently at the University of Chicago Medical School 

Laura Povlich
Email: lpovlich@umich.edu
Ph.D. 2011 in Macromolecular Science and Engineering
Thesis title: Bio-functionalized and Biomimetic Conjugated Polymers for Interfacing Prosthetic Devices with Neural Tissue
Current Position: Program Officer, International Center, NIH

Ching-Chin Pun

MS 2006 Chemical Engineering

Currently in Taiwan

Sungbaek Seo
Email: sbseo@umich.edu

Biomaterials and Biosensors

Ph.D. 2014 Thesis Title: Strategies toward Highly Sensitive Polydiacetylene Supramolecules based Biosensors

Postdoc at UCSB

Currently Assistant Professor at Pusan National University (https://polymercolloids.pusan.ac.kr/polymercolloids/index.do)

Donghwan Seo

Ph.D. 2009 in Mechanical Engineering

Thesis title: Polydiacetylene Chromism Towards Toxic Chemical Detection via Molecular Size-Dependent Selectivity

Yongsok Seo
Email: ysseo@snu.ac.kr

Visiting Professor from Seoul National University

Group webpages: http://afpml.snu.ac.kr/

Apoorv Shanker
Email: apoorvsh@umich.edu

Ph.D. 2017 Macromolecular Science and Engineering

Thesis title: Designing Polymeric Materials with Enhanced Thermal Transport and Tailored Thermo-Responsive Properties

Currently Postdoc at MIT

Crystal Shen

Undergraduate Researcher

Spring/Summer Research 2005 Marian Sarah Parker Scholarship

Byeongseop Song
Email: bssong@umich.edu

Ph.D. 2018 Controlling Thin-film Morphology and Incorporating Novel Semiconducting Molecules toward High Performance Organic Optoelectronic Devices

Currently at Apple

Samantha Stewart

Undergraduate Researcher

Spring/Summer Research 2006 Marian Sarah Parker Scholarship

Jonathan Sun
Email: jonsun@umich.edu

Contribution to ACS Omega 2018

Currently a PhD student at NYU Chemistry

John Swets
Email: jswets@umich.edu

Contribution to MRS Communications 2015

Ricardo J Vázquez
Email: ricbacu@umich.edu

Ph.D. 2019 in Chemistry "Characterizing the Excited State Characterizing the Excited State Dynamics of Organic Materials for Efficient Energy Conversion: from Current to Photons and Vice-Versa"

Assistant Professor in Chemistry of Indiana University Bloomington starting July 1, 2023

Da Seul Yang
Email: dasyang@umich.edu

Ph.D. 2020 in Macromolecular Sci. & Eng. "Semiconducting Polymer Design and Interface Engineering for Efficient Charge Transport"

Currently Senior Research Scientist at Hanwha Total

Sumin Yang
Email: suminy@umich.edu

Contribution to ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2014

Kevin Yien
Email: yienk8@gmail.com

Undergraduate Researcher

Dr. Seong Jun Yoon
Email: seyoon@umich.edu

Ph.D. at Seoul National University

Currently A Research Assistant Professor at UNIST

Kisun Yoon
Email: kyoon@fas.harvard.edu

Graduate Researcher

Currently at Harvard University, School of Engineering and Applied Science

Dr. Youngchang Yu
Email: ycyu@umich.edu

Postdoctoral Fellow

Currently A Senior Research Scientist at Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology

Jaesook Yun, Ph.D
Email: jaesook@skku.edu

Visiting Professor (2011-2012)

Group Webpage : http://chem.skku.ac.kr/~jsyun/

Lixin Zang
Email: lixinz@umich.edu

Visiting Scholar from Harbin Institute of Technology (Ph.D. Candidate)

YingYing Zeng
Email: yyzeng@umich.edu

Ph.D. 2021 in Macromolecular Sci. & Eng. "Organic Room-Temperature Phosphorescent Materials: from Triplet Exciton Modulations to Biosensing Applications"

Currently at DuPont